Our Purpose:

The Ohio Chauffeured Transportation Association (OCTA) is dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for the chauffeured transportation industry throughout Ohio. Membership strengthens the industry by promoting unity, compliance, and safety among operators.


ALL Active Operator Members are properly insured and registered with both the Ohio PUCO and USDOT!

Please consider our OCTA Members FIRST when searching for a reputable chauffeured transportation (limo) company to serve you...


  • Directory can be viewed on a mobile phone, but it is best viewed on a computer or tablet device

  • Select any individual member to see that member’s full contact information and data

  • Further “Filter” the views by selecting other pieces of data you wish to see or not see regarding our members

  • Have another pre-sorted “View” you’d like to see us add? Email us at Info@OhioCTA.org and let us know!



Karl Guenther

Statement Limousine

Sheffield, Ohio

Vice President

Dianna Thomas

Cleveland Taxi Limo

Cleveland, Ohio


Kirk Bagger

Captains Car Service

Parma, Ohio


Frank Jablonski

Lux Transport

Cleveland, Ohio


Active Operator Member

Membership is valid for any individual, partnership, or legal entity which meets the following qualifications: - Is engaged in the chauffeured transportation business and has control of one or more vehicles - Has primary basis of operations in the State of Ohio - Required to furnish a valid ACORD Certificate of Insurance (COI) that includes a schedule of owned vehicles - Required to furnish a valid and active/current (non-suspended or cancelled) Ohio PUCO Certificate of Public Convenience & Necessity (CPCN) number - Required to furnish a valid and active/current (non-suspended or cancelled) US Department of Transportation (DOT) number

Associate Member

Associate membership is only open to operators who do not have a base of operations in the State of Ohio. Must be an individual, partnership, or legal entity engaged in the chauffeured transportation business and have control of one or more vehicles. Associate members do not hold voting rights and cannot hold elective office.

Vendor Member

Vendor members are individuals and entities that own or operate a trade or allied business in the United States of America and/or Canada which provides products, merchandise, or services related to, necessary to, or reasonably required by, those owning or operating a chauffeured transportation business in the State of Ohio.